Understanding the Disconnect in the Church
The Great Disconnect and why we need to reconnect with the Great Commission. As pastors of small churches, it’s easy to feel the weight of leading a congregation, managing limited resources, and caring for your people. But amid the daily demands of ministry, there is a foundational question that we must continually return to: Are we fulfilling the mission Jesus gave us? The answer, according to recent studies, might be more troubling than we realize. A study on church engagement revealed a significant gap in the understanding and application of the Great Commission, the very mission Christ commanded us to undertake. Many Christians, perhaps even some in our own congregations, may not know what the Great Commission is or why it matters. The Great Disconnect It may shock you to know that two-thirds of Christians say they have never heard of the Great Commission. Of those who have heard it, only 26% of practicing Christians can identify and explain it correctly. This is a sobering real...