
Showing posts from January, 2025

Week 4: Leap of Fame: The Temptation of Pride

In Chapter 5, the authors explore the temptation of pride, specifically the “ leap of fame ” that many pastors face when they become enamored with success and recognition. For small church pastors, this temptation might look different—it could be the desire for more visibility, recognition, or the validation of others. But pride, the authors remind us, leads to destruction and keeps us from fulfilling God’s Kingdom purpose. The Temptation of Pride: The temptation of pride is subtle. It’s not always about outward arrogance but about the internal desire to be seen, valued, or validated. The authors challenge us to see that true greatness in ministry is found in humility, not in fame or recognition. Application: Reflect on your own motivations. Ask yourself why you do what you do. Are you seeking glory for yourself, or are you seeking to glorify God? Practice humility in your leadership. Serve others without seeking recognition or fame. "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will...

Week 3: Stones to Bread: The Temptation of Control & All This I Will Give You: The Temptation of Idolatry

In Chapters 3 and 4, The Choice dives into two powerful temptations that confront all ministers: the temptation of control and the temptation of idolatry . These are not merely theoretical ideas—they are daily realities for many pastors. As a small church pastor, you may feel the temptation to control every aspect of your ministry to ensure success, but that control can be a dangerous idol in itself. The Temptation of Control: Stones to Bread In Matthew 4:3-4 , the devil tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread during His 40 days of fasting. The temptation is one of control—the ability to take matters into His own hands and force outcomes. As pastors, we can fall into the same trap, believing that only through our own control and efforts can we achieve results. But as Jesus responded, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” The authors emphasize that the illusion of control often leads to burnout. Trusting God and relinquishing control i...

Week 2: The Lies of the Enemy: Three Temptations We All Face

In Chapter 2 of The Choice , the authors explore the three temptations every pastor faces: the temptation to find our worth in success , the temptation to control outcomes , and the temptation to seek glory and fame . These temptations, while not new, are subtle and insidious. As pastors of small churches, you may feel the weight of these temptations more acutely, as pressures to achieve or conform to expectations are constant. The Temptations We Face: The Temptation to Find Worth in Success: It’s easy to tie our sense of identity and value to the outward signs of success in ministry—church size, influence, and recognition. But the authors remind us that our worth is found in Christ alone, not in the size of our ministry. Ministry success, as we learned last week, is not about numbers but about Kingdom outcomes. The Temptation to Control Outcomes: Pastors are often tempted to take matters into their own hands, thinking that only by controlling everything can they ensure success. But,...

Week 1: Setting the Stage - Defining and Measuring Success in Ministry

Ministry in small churches often involves a complex web of roles, challenges, and responsibilities. As a pastor, it's easy to find yourself overwhelmed by the demands of leadership and the high expectations that come with it. But how do we define success in ministry? Is it based on numbers, programs, or influence? In their book The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes , Gary Hoag, Scott Rodin, and Wesley Willmer present a powerful and challenging message about success in ministry. This week, we dive into Chapter 1: " How Do We Define and Measure Success? " and lay the foundation for a series that explores the temptations, challenges, and realities that every pastor faces as they lead in pursuit of Kingdom outcomes.  D efining Success: A Shift from Worldly Standards In the opening chapter of The Choice , the authors ask us to reconsider how we measure success in ministry. The world often defines success by the metrics of growth, influence, and visibility...