Week 3: Stones to Bread: The Temptation of Control & All This I Will Give You: The Temptation of Idolatry

In Chapters 3 and 4, The Choice dives into two powerful temptations that confront all ministers: the temptation of control and the temptation of idolatry. These are not merely theoretical ideas—they are daily realities for many pastors. As a small church pastor, you may feel the temptation to control every aspect of your ministry to ensure success, but that control can be a dangerous idol in itself.

The Temptation of Control: Stones to Bread

In Matthew 4:3-4, the devil tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread during His 40 days of fasting. The temptation is one of control—the ability to take matters into His own hands and force outcomes. As pastors, we can fall into the same trap, believing that only through our own control and efforts can we achieve results. But as Jesus responded, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

The authors emphasize that the illusion of control often leads to burnout. Trusting God and relinquishing control is an essential part of Christian leadership.


  • Let go of the need to control everything. Surrender to God’s timing and His plan for your ministry.
  • Focus on faithful obedience to God’s calling rather than striving to force outcomes.

The Temptation of Idolatry: All This I Will Give You

In the second temptation of Christ, Satan offers Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship. This is the temptation of idolatry—pursuing anything other than God as the ultimate goal. For pastors, it might be the pursuit of church growth, success, or influence. The authors challenge us to examine what we are worshipping and to place Christ at the center of our ministries.


  • Regularly examine your own heart and ministry to ensure that your motivations align with God’s will.
  • Avoid elevating ministry success or personal achievement to the level of an idol. Keep Christ at the center of all that you do.

We are your partner in ministry, empowering you to stay in the game and help you complete the work God began in you. We want to help you implement the vision God has given you.


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